The next step in the journey

So yesterday I had my first follow up appointment at the fracture clinic to see how my Achilles tendon rupture was progressing.  After a frosty greeting from the receptionist I have to say that the rest of the experience was great.  The doctors and nurses there were all very friendly and helpful, which says a lot for their professionalism as they looked like they were run off their feet.

The first thing they did was to cut through the old cast.  Which felt great to get the air to my leg after it being in plaster for two and a half weeks.  Then came the words that were like torture to me..."oh and please don;t move your leg until the doctor comes to see you"

Which is great if the doctor comes straight away, however it was about 20 minutes before the doctor turned up, which was exquisite frustration waiting to take it fully out of the damned thing.  

Once I got it out I found something very interesting - there was no serious bruising at the point where I felt pain when the tendon ruptured.  The main bruising and swelling was around the foot rather than the ankle where I expected it to be.  

After the doctor pushed and prodded the ankle and calf a little (which was a nerve fraying experience - I was waiting for her to hit a tender spot and me to subsequently need to be pulled down off the ceiling in pain, which never happened), I was informed that I would be going into a moon boot which immediately lifted my spirits.  Until she said she had to double check the protocol.  

Then she came back to crush my dreams, she informed me that I would be put back into a cast for two weeks, and then a moon boot for a further two weeks (both non weight bearing).  

So in summary, another month on crutches - if nothing else my shoulders should be very strong by the end of this part of my rehab!  So on went the cast, I decided against the pink option and went with the blue so Toby my son could draw on it.  

I talked to the nurse about the length of time before I could get back into serious training.  She apologetically informed me that it would be 9-12 months before I could get back into full training.  Which sucks.  Definitely does not fit in with the timeline I have set myself for training.  However I am only letting myself be miserable for a few minutes every day - otherwise I'll be terrible to live with and be around, so it's time to focus on what I can be doing rather than what is holding me back.  Onwards and upwards towards my rehab!


I would love to hear about your experiences with injuries and rehabbing them, so get in touch with me via my website or my facebook page and tell me about what you went through.


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