It's OK to make mistakes
The way you view mistakes can have a big impact on whether or not you reach your goals in both fitness and life in general. Do you view mistakes as major things in life, or as minor setbacks which you can move past easily?
One thing I continually remind my clients is that mistakes are speedbumps, not roadblocks.
Many people start a diet or get back into working out after not doing anything for a while and it lasts a little while. Then life happens, and they miss a training session or eat something that they weren't meant to. Then one missed session or "bad" meal turns into another, and another, and before they know it they are back where they started.
Why does this happen? I think it has a lot to do with how they saw that initial "mistake". It happens because they feel that that one less than a perfect meal or missed workout has ruined the entire day, which turns into 2 or 3 "bad" meals or a week of missed workouts.

The more we drift back into our old habits, the easier it is to keep drifting. So we need to stop the drift right when it starts. And how do we do this? I believe we can do it by changing the way we view mistakes.
Why not view them as lessons? When we grab that muffin at morning tea time instead of a piece of fruit let's not berate ourselves too much. Instead, let's reflect on why we made that choice. Were we tired? Stressed? Bored? What were we feeling at the time and how can we approach that same decision next time we are feeling that way?
We also need to remember that achieving goals (fitness related or otherwise) usually takes time. One good meal will not make you healthy, just as one bad meal will not make you overweight. So instead of quitting your training plan because you miss a workout, try reflecting on why you missed it and put strategies in place to prevent it happening next time.
One thing I continually remind my clients is that mistakes are speedbumps, not roadblocks.
Many people start a diet or get back into working out after not doing anything for a while and it lasts a little while. Then life happens, and they miss a training session or eat something that they weren't meant to. Then one missed session or "bad" meal turns into another, and another, and before they know it they are back where they started.
Why does this happen? I think it has a lot to do with how they saw that initial "mistake". It happens because they feel that that one less than a perfect meal or missed workout has ruined the entire day, which turns into 2 or 3 "bad" meals or a week of missed workouts.

The more we drift back into our old habits, the easier it is to keep drifting. So we need to stop the drift right when it starts. And how do we do this? I believe we can do it by changing the way we view mistakes.
Why not view them as lessons? When we grab that muffin at morning tea time instead of a piece of fruit let's not berate ourselves too much. Instead, let's reflect on why we made that choice. Were we tired? Stressed? Bored? What were we feeling at the time and how can we approach that same decision next time we are feeling that way?
We also need to remember that achieving goals (fitness related or otherwise) usually takes time. One good meal will not make you healthy, just as one bad meal will not make you overweight. So instead of quitting your training plan because you miss a workout, try reflecting on why you missed it and put strategies in place to prevent it happening next time.
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