Why the new name?

Last week I announced on my Facebook and Instagram pages that I was rebranding my personal and group fitness training business. I thought, seeing as I have a bit of time on my hands at the moment with this lockdown, that I'd explain the reason why I decided to do this - in case anyone was interested. My new company branding 360 Degree Fitness was a company that I started from scratch. I built it with the help and support of a great many people. People who probably don't even know how much they supported me. To those people - my clients, my suppliers, my friends and family, those random people who read my blog posts when I was writing terribly and wondered if I would ever find my own "voice" to write with, I want to say a huge thank you. I truly appreciate every blog view, every time you liked a post on my social media accounts or share it with your friends and family. You truly have no idea how much that has meant to me over the years. ...