Do you still play?

I have a four year old son who is a constant ball of energy and adventure. It's been awesome to see him grow up and develop in his motor skills and physical abilities as he gets older. Currently his favourite activity is jumping. Mainly jumping between pieces of furniture or off anything that is high enough to be exciting. Sometimes as a parent this terrifies me - what if he breaks something? But at the same time I understand he is testing his own limitations and capabilities. Something we all used to do as children. To him this is both play and learning, but he only understands it as having fun. How high can I jump? how fast can I ride my bike? Can I do a cartwheel? These are all things we have done, and for the most part as adults we stop doing. Some of us still get out on bikes and ride trails for fun, or rock climb, or kayak, or do gymnastics classes, but the number of adults who partake in these activities are few and far between. I follow ...