Why I'm not as depressed as Eeyore...
In June I'll be having knee surgery (if ACC approves my request) which could see me unable to fully run/train for up to 6 months. A few years ago (maybe even months ago if I was being completely honest) this would have sent me into a depression that would make Eeyore look like Mr Happy. Here's what happened and why I'm not feeling too bad about it. I walked into my specialists office thinking that it would be just another meeting where he would say that yeah I injured my knee (again) but it has resolved itself. I thought that because I'm in no pain despite doing a fair amount of running and other training on it. This was not the case. He pointed to his monitor which was showing my MRI scan. The news was not what I expected - torn cartilage with a PCL partial tear to go along with it. Less than ideal. Long story short this meant one of two possible outcomes - which he wouldn't know for sure until he operated. 1. He would trim the frayed cartila...