Welcome to 2016!

Hello everyone and welcome to the new year!

This year will be a very exciting one for 360 Degree Fitness with us looking to help more clients reach their goals in new and exciting ways.

Firstly, we will be taking our Tuesday morning lounge workouts and transforming them by including video demonstrations of the exercises.  This will make them easier for you to do at home without wondering whether you are performing the exercise correctly.

Check out the video below for our test run that we put together last year.

A new workout will be uploaded to our YouTube channel each Tuesday morning.  These are great for supplementing your training sessions with us, and they can be done at home with minimal or no equipment.  Please remember to subscribe to our channel also to ensure you don't miss a video.  We will also be putting out other videos with a variety of subject matter, and maybe even some guest videos from other health providers, so keep an eye out!

Being the start of a new year it's a great time to look at new goals for your health and fitness.  As always these should be S.M.A.R.T. goals - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Recorded, and Time-Bound.  By creating goals with these parameters in mind it helps to keep them exact and gives them a time-frame which help you know exactly where you are headed and when you want to arrive there. 

Writing your goals down and having them in a prominent place in your house/office can be a good reminder of what you are working towards.  This can help when your motivation levels aren't as high as you would like!  If you would like some assistance in goalsetting feel free to get in touch with us and we can assist you with this process.

We are looking forward to the year ahead and working with you all to help you reach those goals, so let's bring on 2016 and get started!


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