How can exercise help mums?

I can see mums rolling their eyes at me already - and before I get lynched I am going to say that I understand how busy the life of a mum is.  I get it, it's hectic.  If you're anything like my wife you have a hundred priorities to take care of in a day, and right at the bottom of that list is doing something for yourself.  

The last thing you want to do is get a workout in.  A far more attractive option is to flop down on the couch and get a few minutes shut-eye or (heaven forbid) take some time for yourself and watch TV.  But what if I told you it could improve more than just your waistline?

What about reducing stress?  Taking care of kids is stressful, they have a hundred demands which, depending on their age they can't communicate outside a scream.  This is stressful.  Exercise can help reduce your stress levels.  It releases endorphins which can improve your mood and help you feel better.

Exercising regularly also causes an increase in energy levels.  This is something parents can always use more of, speaking from experience.  A lack of energy can definitely make life seem harder, so using exercise to boost energy is something worth taking advantage of.

Preventing injury is another thing that mums (and dads for that matter) should consider too.  Babies get heavy pretty quickly.  Our one year old is already 9kg plus.  Picking him up and moving him about can put a lot of stress on the body.  And he doesn't exactly sit still while this is going on either.  Having a strong core and being strong generally can help prevent lower back injuries which often occur as a result of bending while carrying weight.  Such as putting children in cots, car seats, pushchairs etc.  Proper lifting technique helps too, which is often a byproduct of a good training programme.

On top of the above reasons, working out can lead to improved self-esteem.  This is a big issue for new parents especially with the prevalence of post-natal depression or "baby blues".  Even if you're not prone to depression, I've never heard anyone say that more self-esteem is a bad thing!

So there you have it, a few reasons to try and get some exercise into your week.  I know it gets busy, stressful and tiring being a parent, especially a new one who is learning on top of all of this!  But if you can spare 10-20 minutes a few times a week, then you could see some great benefits in your life.

If you want to try some exercise at home without going to the expense of joining a gym or buying exercise gear, try our Tuesday morning garage workouts posted each week on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.  If you have any questions about getting back into exercise or anything else fitness related please just get in touch and I will do my best to help.

I would love to hear what you think about this article.  Feel free to comment or recommend this post to a friend via social media.  It would mean a lot to me.


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