Why your New Year’s resolution is over already…

New Year’s resolutions are more often than not short-lived affairs. Often they barely make it past New Year ’s Eve let alone through January. Perhaps the most common of all New Year’s resolutions is to get fit. If you are wondering why you went to the gym twice and have not returned this year, the reason may be below.

You went too hard too fast…

A common issue when starting out on a fitness plan is to go at it like a bull at a gate. Often people getting back into exercise or starting regular exercise for the first time want to get into things as fast as possible. This would be fine, however, there is just one small problem – often they are unfit. This might seem like it’s stating the obvious but it needs to be remembered. You might walk into the gym on the 3rd of January and see a guy squatting 150kg and think you want a piece of the action.

What you need to remember is that the guy who squats a buck fifty has been squatting a long time to reach that number – you haven’t. Start low and build into things, your body will thank you for it.

You didn’t see instant results…

This is another common issue. It’s one that personal trainers discuss with clients on a regular basis. After your second week at the gym, you may see no results. This may even be the case after your second month depending on your level of attendance and your nutrition plan. What you need to remember is good things take time – especially in the world of health and fitness. A good way to deal with this is to look at the improvements you have made even if the scales have not moved. 

Look at the improvement in your lifting technique. Look at how much weight you can now lift, and how much easier it is to lift that weight. Look at how much further you can run on the treadmill – take the small wins and celebrate them. All of these small victories accumulated over time will lead to large-scale progress down the line.

You thought it would be easy…

Let me fill you in on something about losing weight or getting fit from a state of being a couch potato – it is not easy. In fact, it is bloody hard. It takes a lot of work over a long period of time often with very slow progress. Tough it out and the results will be worth it. But you have to want it.

You didn’t have a plan…or you didn’t stick to it…

Going into a fitness regime without a plan and expecting results is like throwing a ball at a target blindfolded – yeah you may get close, you may even hit the target – but it will be more good luck than good management. 
If you want proper results, you need a proper plan. 
It is that simple. 
In saying this, the plan does not have to be perfect. Following an imperfect plan to the letter with laser-like focus will get you results, they might not be perfect, they might not be as quick as you would like, but it is better than following no plan at all or programme hopping to the newest and shiniest plan that your favourite reality TV star followed.

The takeaway point…

Here’s what it comes down to. Losing weight and getting fit is hard. It takes a concerted effort over a long period of time. In order to get the best results, you need a plan drawn up by someone that knows what they are doing and is tailored to your needs. You need to stick to it – remember the age-old adage: “if all else fails, do what your trainer told you to do in the first place”. 

If you follow these steps, you should be able to get that New Year’s Resolution to stick and reach your health and fitness goal.

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