Good reasons to comfort eat.

So the title of the blog might seem a little bit like clickbait but the truth of the matter is that we don't comfort eat 'just because', there is always a reason. The simple reason is that we are addressing a need or emotional requirement with a coping strategy. Is it the healthiest one in the world? Probably not, no. Does it work in the short term to comfort us and reduce stress? Most likely, yes. So, in a nutshell, comfort eating is a short term answer to a chronic issue - stress of one sort or another. This might be physical stress as a result of an injury, work stress resulting from a boss breathing down your neck about finishing that report, emotional stress following a fight with a friend or loved one or really any other form of stress you can think of. We don't have a healthy strategy to cope with the demanding situation we are put in, so as a result, we turn to an unhealthy coping mechanism - food, usually the saltier, fattier, sugarier the be...