How rupturing my Achilles the first time was actually useful...
So in February this year I suffered a complete rupture of my Achilles Tendon while doing some sparring with some friends. This was one of the most painful injuries and frustrating rehabilitation protocols I have had to go through (and I've been through a few!). But it came with a silver lining. In my first Krav Maga training session back after being cleared by my hospital physio, I took a step back and pop, it ruptured again. While the re-injury was very frustrating - in fact it is possibly the most upset over an injury I have ever been - having been through it once before has taught me a few things. The first thing I learned was that I am able to ask for what I want in terms of a cast, in some aspects at least. When you rupture your Achilles Tendon you are put in what is known as an equinous cast. This basically sets your cast in a position with your toes pointing down to bring the two ends of the tendon as close as possible. While I could not...